Join Tony as he kicks off Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month 2020. Walk with him as he describes why he’s walking, and starts the tale of Sam’s cancer journey.
Today, Tony describes the day that Sam received his diagnosis at three years old, and what neuroblastoma is.
“The fight against cancer is still life, and life is full of dark and light.”
“We tend to share the uplifting stories and the hopeful stories… but we have to help people get past the ‘cute bald kids.’”
“Cancer doesn’t take Saturdays off, and neither do we!”
In a tough conversation, Tony shares the guilt that comes from all sides when you’re entering, in or past the fight against pediatric cancer.
Emmie joins Tony as they talk about what it’s like to have a sibling fighting cancer.
Tony tries to put words to the feeling of emptiness that underlies his new everyday life. He shares the two-factor model of grief.
“You can run into amazing people all over the place, and you have to be open to that.”
Tony shares some of the startling statistics around the fight against pediatric cancer.
Tony, Emmie and Maude share stories about what Christmas was like during inpatient treatments.
Join the whole family as they discuss waiting and all of the various flavors you may have never imagined.
“That was the first real, deep gut punch for me. I knew we weren’t going to make it through this unscathed.”
Tony shares the adventures of Annika and Sam!
Tony shares how a friend taught him that whatever he has going on that day just isn’t “that tough.”
Tony’s friend, Cheryl Rounds, joins him on his walk. They talk about Sam’s fight, as well as that of Cheryl’s daughter, Annika. Annika was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 8 weeks old. Unbeknownst to any of us, she would pass away just two months after this video at the age of 8.
“I wish every dad could have the opportunities to do the things Sam and I got to do together.”
Tony’s family in Indiana organizes a group to walk together today! Emmie shares her favorite hospital memories with Sam.
Sam’s favorite nurse, Kammie, shares her favorite story of Sam. Sound gets better around 2:00. :)
Learn what it’s like in the hospital at night. Some things depend on which hospital, some don’t!
Tony shares the expectations parents have, and how those change during a pediatric cancer fight.
Tony and Jeff talk about what it’s like to be a dad in this fight.
Tony is joined by his close friend, Dr. Matt Fletcher. Matt is a pediatric oncologist, and was an indispensable part of the team fighting along Sam.
Tonight, Tony was ambushed by about 50 of his closest friends who walked with him. Once he recovered, he talked about the importance of friends in Sam’s fight.
Tony & Maude talk about how the cancer fight can separate a husband and wife in time, distance and more.
Sam’s grandmother, Courtney, shares her perspective.